Food fraud poses a serious threat to brand reputation and consumer trust.

Our raw material risk assessment report developed for GFSI retailer standards is a simple, easy-to-use solution that retailers love. Unique in the industry, our tool streamlines annual reviews, helping you build and manage your food fraud database while saving time and costs with a pay-as-you-go model. Our structured approach preserves corporate knowledge through staff changes, ensuring continuity and data integrity

"Every company, no matter how small, can implement inexpensive 
changes that will make a significant difference to the vulnerability of food fraud in their raw materials"

Our Food Fraud Services & Solutions

Assess risks effectively  to save time and effort on yearly reviews with food Fraud Scorecard!

1. Conduct your own food fraud risk assessments using the food fraud scorecard tool

2. We can also work with you collaboratively to complete your risk assessments and provide training & mentoring

3. Or let us handle the assessments for you!

ICS offers digital solutions and expertise for compliance with food safety requirements.

Evaluating food fraud risks requires data from various external sources, including scientific literature, media reports, regulatory reports, and other relevant publications. By tapping into these external data sources, companies can gain a broader and more nuanced understanding of potential food fraud risks. 

We also provide online tools for regulatory alerts to identify risks (HorizonScan) and food fraud databases.

Ingredient Risk Identification by HorizonScan:

Daily supply chain monitoring for ingredients and supplier threats 

Food Fraud Database:

Identification of food fraud risks to directly support vulnerability assessments. 


Food safety consulting and risk assessment

Pass your GFSI - Retailer - Fast food chain audits 

Our food fraud scorecard provides all the documentary evidence needed to pass GFSI, retailer, and fast-food chain audits. It delivers robust, objective guidance for purchasing decisions..
  • Features

    Detailed procedures, methodologies, flow charts, web links, and access to the Food Fraud Research Assistant.

    Complete evidence for GFSI, retailer, and fast-food chain audits.

    Ranked raw material risk assessment reports for GFSI standards.

    Cost-effective with no subscription fees.

    Consistent risk assessment process tracking over time providing guidance for purchasing decisions.

  • Benefits

    Generate detailed, ranked raw material risk reports loved by retailers with ease.

    Simplify reviews and maintain a food fraud database, saving time and money.

    Pass audits and identify supply chain vulnerabilities effortlessly.

    Manage risks proactively to protect your brand reputation.

    Company of all sizes can Reduce food fraud vulnerability

    Improve purchasing decisions and reduce risks.

    Retain corporate knowledge and ensure reliable risk assessments despite staff changes.

Food Fraud Score

Continuous improvement and proactive risk management 

The Food Fraud Scorecard is not just a tool for today; it's a long-term solution for continuous improvement and proactive risk management within your organization. By tracking risk scores over time, you can strengthen your overall food integrity assurance efforts and protect your brand reputation.
— Getting Started
Write your awesome label here.
— Mitigating Risk
Write your awesome label here.